
Ancient Earth Civilization meeting with Corey Goode in attendance. Honeycomb Earth - Part I

(comment from J Ocean) I chose to share this particular subterranean earth meeting that Corey attended, because it includes a fascinating experience of Corey’s mind-meld with a spiritual female resident of the inner earth community. This is of interest to us, since as spiritual people, we can do this.

Corey: “The woman guide who is one of the race of the original inhabitants of Earth asked me to share a memory I had of interacting with a sacred crystal. She was well aware that when I was an adolescent, I was taken to a deep crystal cavern where I was told the crystals were alive. I was with a group of other children at the time. We were told not to touch the crystals, because it would harm them. We were asked to try to telepathically interface with the crystals. I was one of many who had been able to successfully interface with these crystalline lifeforms.

She communicated that the residual information I had from my experience among these crystals was very important to her race of people.......”

“......She told me that some among her people would not approve of her doing what she did with a “mixed person” from the surface. Nonetheless, she was certain that the majority of her people would be very happy to share the experience that I had gifted them with. This was a valuable step towards healing the divide that had occurred between our civilizations for many millennia.”

Excerpts from Subterranean Meetings, 2015.
One Experience of Corey interfacing with a Subterranean Advanced Civilization.

Corey Goode and the Inner Earth


The woman who had greeted me on arrival and delivered the garments in the cleansing room stepped forward. She said “Please come with me. I have a personal request.” I was told that the delegation was visiting each of their local domains and some of them would be back for another purification or cleansing ceremony.

Gonzales was looking at me with a confused expression on his face. Since she had addressed me directly, I told her I would be happy to hear her request. She smiled, and said “Walk with me.” She began to walk towards the large room that I had arrived in. Gonzales and the other woman walked together behind us, by about five paces. I expected an explanation, or to hear the request, but instead we began to walk for some time in silence.

We walked through the large domed room at the end of the corridor, went straight across the room and traveled on through the door on the other side. The room was now empty. No one was standing sentry at the four doors. We continued down another corridor that had more doors than the previous one. I forgot all about counting paces and doors, or any other intelligence-gathering methods we were supposed to do in a new facility per standard operating procedure (SOP.)

I could tell she had something serious to ask me. All sorts of things were going through my head. I was definitely nervous about whatever this might be leading up to. This took my mind off of all of the new data I had been trying to process a few minutes earlier.

Each of the rooms in this corridor had some sort of energy field or “hard light” covering them that prevented me from seeing inside of them.

We finally stopped at one of the doors after a few turns in the corridor. She tapped her pendant, and the doorway went translucent. Then I could see inside the room.It appeared to be some sort of lounge or private quarters from what I could tell from the doorway. She looked at Gonzales and his escort, and said “Please remain here.” Then she walked inside, turned and looked at me. I looked over at Gonzales, who looked even more confused. I then walked inside the room with her. She tapped her pendant and the energy barrier reappeared over the doorway.

Being an introvert and a bit shy around women I do not know well, I began to feel nervous and a bit self-conscious. She then began to telepathically interface with me. She asked me to relax. She wanted to know if I would share a childhood experience with her.

She went on to communicate that there was a very special place to her people that has been off limits to them for many hundreds of years. She communicated that a nonhuman subterranean group had taken possession of this place. They are an ancient species that are indigenous to the Earth, which she called the “Dal-Azag” (Feathered-Serpents). She sent me a mental image of one of them. Even though I have never interacted with one, I recognized them from a database I had viewed on a smart-glass pad. She showed me an image of one of their ruling caste. This race has plumes of feathers running down the back of their heads and necks. I had read how they move in a jerky fashion much like birds. Now, her mental image gave me a much clearer vision of how they actually appear and move. It was definitely unsettling.

She finally got to the part that concerned me in my own immediate present. She was well aware that when I was an adolescent, I was taken to a deep crystal cavern where I was told the crystals were alive. I was with a group of other children at the time. We were told not to touch the crystals, because it would harm them. We were asked to try to telepathically interface with the crystals. I was one of many who had been able to successfully interface with these crystalline lifeforms.

[David Wilcock shared that this is another intriguing correspondence with the Law of One information. The series tells us that when the Earth was first prepped for human life, hyper-advanced crystals were placed inside the earth that had their own form of sentience.
The Law of One said these crystals were intended to work almost like what we would now think of as Internet servers. They answer the spiritual calls people make as they begin awakening.
The crystals are programmed to encourage people to be more loving and to meditate. These messages will appear in a variety of forms, including dreams, synchronicities and visions.
If these directions are then followed, the crystals signal more advanced benevolent groups to move in and provide far more nuanced and detailed spiritual instructions.
I had never before encountered this information when David told me this. It was one of dozens of fascinating correlations that arose once David and I began speaking with each other.]

I communicated back that I remembered the experience. I sent her a mental image of the cavern as well as the strange auroras of energy I saw around the crystals. She closed her eyes and smiled. A large tear rolled down her thin cheek.

She asked if I would share my complete memory of that experience with her. I wasn’t sure what she meant. I asked her what this would entail. She communicated that she would need to hold my hands, and that I would need to open my mind to her. She communicated that in doing so, her mind would be opened up to me. This was considered a very intimate act of sharing among her people.

I communicated that I was not comfortable with opening my mind that completely to anyone, and that I would respectfully have to decline. She explained that she is a high priestess, and that I would be giving her a gift she could then share with others. It would also go a long way in establishing trust between our people, since there had been so little we had to offer them thus far in our negotiations.

She communicated that the residual information I had from my experience among these crystals was very important to them. I turned and paced around the room. I was hashing over all of this in my head, and frantically calculating how this could go wrong in any number of ways.

If I open myself up like this to a foreign woman I just met, from a culture that had been antagonistic towards most of us until now, how will I be trusted with sensitive information in the future? My standing with the SSP Alliance Council was already tenuous at best. Only the Sphere Beings seemed to have far more trust in me than anyone else did.

I respectfully asked her if I could consult with Gonzales before I gave her my answer. She immediately turned and removed the barrier to the door, and invited Gonzales into the room. She then excused herself and stood outside.

Gonzales asked, “So, what has been going on in here?” He was looking around intently as he said this. I told him the details of this “personal favor” that was requested of me, and of my operational security (OPSEC) and personal sovereignty concerns. He told me that he understood my concerns, and that the SSP Alliance had not shared certain operational details with me because of these kinds of security precautions.

He said that I was cleared to proceed unless there was “SBA” (Sphere Being Alliance) information or personal experiences with Raw-Tear-Eir that I wanted to keep confidential.

I told Gonzales that I was highly uncomfortable with doing this. However, she had communicated that it was very important to their people. I said this seemed to be the only thing we had to offer them that they were interested in at the moment -- unless it was all just a ruse to get into my head and look for something else.

Gonzales said that this was certainly not the only thing we had to offer them. They would not have formed this new council and gone out of their way to invite us if we didn’t have value to them – whether they were willing to admit it or not. He said that I don’t report to him. Even if I did, he wouldn’t order me to go through with this if I felt so strongly against it. He said it was completely up to me, but that it may be helpful if the information sharing is bidirectional. I might learn something that could be highly useful to the SSP Alliance.

Sighing, I told him I would talk to her. I asked him to please send her in on his way back out. She briskly came back into the room. She quickly bowed her head and gazed intently into my eyes. I communicated to her that I would move forward with her “Vulcan mind meld” as a sign of trust and good faith between our people. She was visibly pleased.

She walked over to the wall and then returned with a crystal goblet. It was filled with an amber liquid. She took a drink and offered it to me. I asked her if it was a drug of some sort. She communicated back that it was the “Elixir of Isis,” and was a wine made of a rare flower that only grows in the subterranean domain. She took another sip and handed the goblet to me. She communicated that it was not necessary for the process, but was considered to be a customary part of the ceremony.

I told her I hoped she would not be offended if I declined. I then handed the goblet back to her. She smiled, took a couple more sips of the elixir and then placed it on a table. The table was next to two chairs, and was beside something that was either a bench or small bed of some sort. She communicated that I should sit down and get comfortable. She seemed to be quite a bit more relaxed after she had partaken of this obviously potent elixir.

I sat down. She guided the other chair over so that it was positioned directly across from mine. She then sat in the chair. She scooted to the edge of the seat. She asked me to come closer. As I did, she took both of my hands into hers. She put both of our hands together, palm to palm. She then clasped our fingers together. She closed her eyes. Her skin was very soft and extremely warm. It was much warmer than normal.

She communicated that I should close my eyes, and clear my mind of all thoughts. I used some protocols I had learned to clear my mind and get into a deeper state of consciousness. Once I had done so, every part of my body started to tingle. I felt my “astral self” being pulled towards her. I felt her energy and mine beginning to co-mingle. I am not exactly sure how the process worked. It felt as if it was a blending of light bodies. It was an extremely profound and powerful experience -- on a mind, body and spirit level.

I found myself at a clear disadvantage compared to her highly advanced mental development. Since she was apparently a high priestess among her people, she very likely had an even more powerful consciousness than everyone else did.

I was aware of her focused intent on certain memories of mine. At the same time, I was being flooded with what I perceived as over 130 years of her own memories.

Flash! Flash! Flash! I was jumping around through many different scenes from her life. I caught glimpses of her in her priestess training and duties. I experienced what she felt in her time as a liaison between different secret societies in the U.S. and Europe. I felt what it was like for her to meet U.S. and European military and government officials -- throughout different time periods. I was clearly aware that she had assumed the role as an emissary from another star system – not revealing to them that she was part of a group that lived right here on earth all along.

There was a glimpse of a childhood friend that she loved. This friend was tragically killed by a subterranean non-terrestrial. Then as she focused on my experience in the crystal cave, I began to automatically synchronize my focus on her from when she was the same age. The experience only lasted for a few moments, but I had a profound sense of time dilation. It was as if time stood still in this whirlwind of sights, sounds and senses. When it was all over, my body was quivering.

As I opened my eyes, I could see the same thing was happening to her. We both leaned back in our chairs and sat quietly for a moment – reeling from the intensity of it all.

My body was still tingling all over. It was releasing endorphins that were quite pleasurable, but not in any sexual or erotic way. Some may imagine or want to characterize the experience as carnal or sexual in nature, but this was something entirely different than that. I felt her emotions, and she felt mine. We both began openly shedding tears as I realized exactly how important of a shared experience this was for her. After a few moments of this, we stood up. She embraced me for some time. She thanked me for sharing myself with her.

I don’t think we have the words to explain how emotionally profound and beautiful of an experience this was. One experience of this type could permanently and magnificently alter someone’s experience of themselves, and of life on earth, forever.

Afterwards, there was a definite sense of a bond and a knowing of each other on a deep level.

She told me that some among her people would not approve of her doing what she did with a “mixed person” from the surface. Nonetheless, she was certain that the majority of her people would be very happy to share the experience that I had gifted them with. This was a valuable step towards healing the divide that had occurred between our civilizations for many millennia.

She said she also hoped that I might understand why they have done the things they have done to manage the societies on the surface. We are by no means as innocent and peaceful as most of us would like to believe.

I am aware that some folks on the internet think everything is a psy-op. Everything is a deception. Everything is a trick. Trust no one, believe nothing, and whatever you are told, the opposite is true. Their fingers will immediately start clicking away with opinions that I either made this all up, or this is yet another Trojan horse intended to destroy us all.

I can honestly say that after having had an experience this profound, I do not believe there is any possible way she could have shielded a negative agenda from me. This experience is akin to opening the floodgates into an arena of complete transparency and total honesty. All is known. It is utterly impossible to present yourself as something other than who and what you really are within that shared, sacred space.

These people are frightened of us. We inherited very aggressive genetics from groups that were relocated to our planet as well as from genetic manipulation from groups such as the various “Grand Experiment ET’s”, genes that they themselves do not possess. Negative groups have deceived us pretending to be gods and benevolent extraterrestrials from a number of federations, commands, and star systems. In this way, – making it utterly impossible for any reconciliation between us and our greater human family residing in the inner earth honeycombs, to ever occur.

It is possible that the genetic and spiritual changes we will go through as this energetic shift, now entering the solar system, occurs, are far more profound, rapid and positive than the ‘Cabal syndicates’ may realize. If nothing else, the future promises to be very interesting indeed. It is more obvious than ever that if we want a positive future each of us are responsible for manifesting it along with our positive ET groups.

After we had composed ourselves, she dropped the barrier to the room. We walked out to meet the other woman and a very curious Gonzales. She said that if we had the time, she would like to show us around. Gonzales accepted without hesitation. I found out later on that he had been wanting a tour of the last few cities he had been to in his prior meetings.

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